Puff Pastry Christmas Trees
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Puff Pastry Christmas Trees

  • Thaw: 40 minutes
  • Prep: 30 minutes
  • Serves: 8

Ingredients & Directions

  • 1 package (17.3 ounces) Pepperidge Farm® Puff Pastry Sheets, thawed
  • 0.333 cup vanilla pudding or lemon curd
  • 0.333 cup honey, warmed
  • as-needed green decorating sugar
  • 8 raspberriesor maraschino cherry halves

Heat the oven to 400°F.

Unfold 1 pastry sheet on lightly floured surface. Cut 4 stars of each size, using 3 star cookie cutters in graduated sizes. Repeat with the remaining pastry sheet. Place the 24 stars on baking sheets.

Bake for 10 minutes or until the pastries are golden brown. Remove them from the baking sheets and cool on a wire rack.

Top 1 large star pastry with about 1 teaspoon pudding. Top with 1 medium star pastry, turning the star so the points do not line up. Top with about 1 teaspoon pudding and place 1 small star pastry on top, turning it so the points do not line up. Repeat with the remaining star pastries, making 8 trees. Drizzle the trees with honey. Sprinkle with green sugar and top each with a raspberry.


Helper: A set of star-shaped cookie cutters can be ordered from Cooking.com or cut 3 star patterns (2-inch, 2 1/2-inch and 3-inch) from cardboard. Place on the pastry sheet and cut with a knife.